White Elephant Gift Ideas

If you’re scratching your head trying to come up with some good white elephant gift ideas, don’t you f’ing worry … I’ve got your back!

There are a variety of items that can make good white elephant gifts. However, I’m guessing you want to be the ultimate champion of your gift exchange party, and blow everyone away with the most badass gift ever.  So just your average nick-nack obviously won’t suffice. Here are some white elephant gift ideas that are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on everyone at your party:

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ModestMix: a Hot New Tea Startup With Edgy Branding


Lake Tahoe, NV (November 30, 2015) – Tea is a staple among many cultures and has been around for thousands of years.  But lately it seems to be making a resurgence.  Since 1990, the tea market in the United States has grown by over 500%.  It’s no surprise then that tea is the 2nd most popular beverage in the world, next to water.
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Our teas make a great gag gift. Duh.

Ok, so you’re participating in some bullshit fucking “white elephant” thing.  It’s for your office.  Man, you really don’t want to because you can’t stand Xmas, but you also want to impress that cute gal in HR, so you think…
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